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Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F. 2015
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.
Greek Classic Racecars at T.I.F.

All photography work is copyrighted by the author, please don't download and publish these pictures in the internet without my permission! 

Larger high quality pictures is available only for donators up on request! Vasileios Papaidis 2017 © All Rights Reserved


Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre


The International Exhibition & Congress Centre of TIF HELEXPO is located in the 'heart' of Thessaloniki, with easy access from any location in the city and using any means of transportation.  

With trade fairs and consumer exhibitions held successfully throughout the year at exhibition premises of European Specifications, it is the most important

exhibition organisation agency in Greece, operating since 1926.

At the heart of the city's history, adjacent to the Byzantine Museum and the Archaeological Museum, the International Exhibition Centres of TIF HELEXPO attract a wealth of conference events. 

In the eightieth birthday of Thessaloniki International Fair, they had the chance visitors to admire Greek classic racing cars.

Under the auspices of Helexpo T.I.F. with the support of Thessaloniki Μotoring Group AOTH (Α.Ο.Θ) and dynamic presence of mr.Theodoros Charagionis collection (Hellenic Motor Museum) from Athens.Great part of the Greek racing history was there, she was emphasized in cars who excelled in the Acropolis Rally of 50s and 60s!



  • JAGUAR XK 120 ROADSTER 1953 (Special equipment)


Η Jaguar XK 120 των 3442cc και 160 ίππων στην έκδοση δρόμου, έφτανε τα 205 χλμ την ώρα ενώ η επιτάχυνση από στάση στα 100χλμ ερχόταν σε μόλις 10.0 δευτερόλεπτα στην έκδοση δρόμου. Το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο είχε τεράστια επιτυχία τόσο στον δρόμο όσο και στις πίστες όπου πέτυχε αμέτρητες νίκες στα χέρια κορυφαίων οδηγών όπως ο εν ζωή θρύλος της Φόρμουλα 1, Stirling Moss.

H XK 120 κατέκτησε την πρώτη θέση γενικής κατάταξης στο 1ο Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις το 1953. Το πλήρωμα της, ελληνικό, με τον Ν. Παπαμιχαήλ στο τιμόνι και τον Σ. Δημητράκο στη θέση του συνοδηγού.


The Jaguar XK 120 of 3443cc and 160 bhp in its road version, reached 205 Km/h while the acceleration from standstill to 100km/h came in just 10.0 seconds in road version. The specific model had huge success on the road as well as on track were it scored countless victories in the hands of top racing drivers such as Formula 1 legend, Sir Stirling Moss.

The XK 120 won first place overall at the very first Acropolis Rally in 1953. The crew was Greek, with N. Papamichael at the wheel and S. Dimitrakos as his co-driver.



  • LANCIA AURELIA B20 GT Racing 1953 Nardi equipped (ex.Lorenzo Bandini)


Το Β20 GT ξεκίνησε μια επανάσταση στους αγώνες αυτοκινήτου. Μόνο το 1951, το Aurelia σημείωσε 19 νίκες κλάσεως σε σημαντικούς αγώνες όπως το Mille Miglia, τον Γύρο της Σικελίας και το Le Mans.

Ο κινητήρας V6 είχε 2,451κ.εκ. με ένα διπλό καρμπιρατέρ Weber DCL που απέδιδε 118 ίππους στις 5,500 στροφές ανά λεπτό στη στάνταρντ έκδοση.

Το συγκεκριμένο αυτοκίνητο που ανήκε στον πιλότο της Formula 1 Lorenzo Bardini έχει το ειδικό ΚΙΤ της NARDI (δύο διπλά WEBER, μετατροπή για λεβιέ ταχυτήτων στο δάπεδο, άγριο εκκεντροφόρο κ.τ.λ.)

H Lancia Aurelia B20 κατέκτησε την πρώτη θέση γενικής κατάταξης στο 6ο Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις το 1958. Στη θέση του οδηγού βρισκόταν ο L. Villoresi ενώ συνοδηγός του ήταν ο G. Basadona.


The B20 GT began a revolution in racing. In 1951 alone, the Aurelia took 19 stunning wins in important races such as the Mille Miglia, the round of Sicily and the Le Mans.

The V6 engine of 2,451cc with one twin Weber DCL carburetor developed 118 Bhp at 5,500 rpm in standard version.

Specific car was belonging to F1 pilot Lorenzo Bardini and is fitted with NARDI KIT (two double WEBER, floor gearchange shift and high lift camshaft).

The Lancia Aurelia B20 won first place overall at the 6th Acropolis Rally in 1958. L. Villoresi was at the wheel while G. Basadona was his co-driver.



  • CHEVROLET BEL – AIR 1957 (Very important racing history)


H Chevrolet Bel – Air ήταν ένα αυτοκίνητο πολύ μεγάλων διαστάσεων που κατασκευάστηκε από το 1949 έως το 1981.

Η Bel – Air 2ης γενιάς παρήχθη από το 1954 έως το 1957 και διέθετε δύο εξακύλινδρους (3,5 και 3,9 λίτρων) και δύο οκτακύλινδρους κινητήρες (4,3 και 4,6 λίτρων) που φορά το αυτοκίνητο. Κύρια χαρακτηριστικά της το πολύ καλό κράτημα, η άνεση και η καλή ορατότητα.

H αγωνιστική Chevrolet Bel – Air με το νούμερο 25, γνωστή και ως “Γουρούνα”, κατάφερε να κατακτήσει τη δεύτερη θέση γενικής κατάταξης του 6ου Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις που διεξήχθη το 1958. Το πλήρωμα της: o αείμνηστος Γ. Πεσμαζόγλου (οδηγός) και ο Κ. Γαλάνης (συνοδηγός).


The Chevrolet Bel – Air was a car of very large dimensions which was produced from 1949 to 1981.

2nd generation Bel – Air was produced from 1954 to 1957 and featured two six cylinder (3,5l & 3,9l) and two eight cylinder (4,3l & 4,6l) fitted on specific car engines. Main characteristics was its very good handling, comfortable ride and good visibility.

This rallye version of the Chevrolet Bel – Air with the number 25 managed to win second place overall at the 6th Acropolis Rally in 1958. Its crew was the late J. Pesmazoglou (driver) along with K. Galanis (co-driver).



  • VOLVO PV444 1952 (Racing history)


Στις αρχές του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου η Volvo αποφάσισε την παραγωγή ενός νέου, μικρότερου αυτοκινήτου με καλή κατανάλωση καυσίμου που θα εξασφάλιζε το μέλλον της εταιρείας. Το 444 ήταν, επίσης, το πρώτο της αυτοκίνητο με αυτοφερόμενο πλαίσιο και κατασκευάστηκε από το 1943 έως το 1958.

Στη στάνταρντ έκδοσή του το 444 διέθετε δύο κινητήρες των 1400cc και 1600cc με απόδοση 44 και 70 ίππων αντίστοιχα. Η τελική του ταχύτητα άγγιζε τα 120 χλμ / ώρα.

Το 1958 το Volvo 444  με το νούμερο 40 κατέκτησε τη τρίτη θέση της γενικής κατάταξης του 6ου Ράλι Ακρόπολις με πλήρωμα τους Σουηδούς G. Andersson (οδηγό) και G. Elbers (συνοδηγό).


During the early stages of World War II Volvo decided on the production of a new, smaller car with good fuel consumption. It would also be Volvo’s first monocoque car and was built between 1943 and 1958.

In standard version it featured two engines of 1400cc and 1600cc which developed 44 and 70 bhp respectively. Top speed reached 120 km / h.

In 1958, the Volvo 444 with number 40 won third place overall at the 6th Acropolis Rally. Its crew was Sweden’s G. Andersson (driver) kai G. Elbers (co-driver).



  • Porsche 356A 1955


H 356 ήταν το πρώτο μοντέλο παραγωγής από την Porsche το οποίο κατασκευάστηκε από το 1948 μέχρι το 1965 σε τρεις βασικούς τύπους Α,Β και C. Μηχανικά, βασίστηκε στο ξαδελφάκι της VW Beetle, γνωστό σε όλους μας ως σκαραβαίος ο οποίος σχεδιάστηκε από τον Ferdinand Porsche.

H γκάμα των τετρακύλινδρων boxer κινητήρων ήταν μεγάλη ανά τα χρόνια παραγωγής και ξεκινούσε, σε στάνταρντ πάντα μορφή, από τα 1100cc και 40 ίππους ενώ έφτανε τα 2000cc και τους 130 ίππους.

Η Porsche 356A κέρδισε τη δεύτερη θέση γενικής κατάταξης στο 7ο (Ζ) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις το 1959 με πλήρωμα τους H. Walter (οδηγό) και Nathan (συνοδηγό).


The 356 was the first ever production car made by Porsche in three different basic types A,B and C. It was built between 1948 and 1965. It was based, mainly mechanically to its cousin, the VW Beetle which was designed by Ferdinand Porsche.

Its four-cylinder boxer engines ranged through its production years from 1100cc with 40bhp to 2000cc with 130bhp, always in standard form.

In 1959, the Porsche 356A won second place overall at the 7th Acropolis Rally. Its crew was H. Walter (driver) and Nathan (co-driver).



  • Austin Healey 100/6 1958 (Important racing history) 


To 100-6 είναι ένα διθέσιο ανοικτό αυτοκίνητο που κατασκευάστηκε από την Austin σε συνεργασία με τον Donald Healey από το 1956 έως το 1959.

Στη στάνταρντ έκδοση διαθέτει έναν εξακύλινδρο κινητήρα 2639cc και 117 ίππων, επιταχύνει από στάση στα 100 χλμ σε 10,7 δευτερόλεπτα ενώ η τελική του ταχύτητα φτάνει τα 167 χλμ την ώρα.

Το 1961, στο 9ο (Θ) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις, το αυτοκίνητο με το νούμερο 3 κατέκτησε τη τρίτη θέση της γενικής κατάταξης με πλήρωμα τους Άγγλους P. Riley (οδηγό) και T. Ambrose (συνοδηγό).


The 100-6 is a two-seat roadster that was produced by Austin in collaboration with Donald Healey from 1956 to 1959.

In its standard version it features a six-cylinder engine of 2639cc and 117bhp, it accelerates from a standstill to 100 km/h in 10,7 seconds and has a top speed of 167 km/h.

In 1961, number 3 car won third place overall at the 9th Acropolis Rally with Englishmen P. Riley (driver) and T. Ambrose (co-driver) as its crew.



  • Porsche 356B T5 1600 1961


H 356 ήταν το πρώτο μοντέλο παραγωγής από την Porsche το οποίο κατασκευάστηκε από το 1948 μέχρι το 1965σε τρεις βασικούς τύπους Α, Β και C. Μηχανικά, βασίστηκε στο ξαδελφάκι της VW Beetle, γνωστό σε όλους μας ως σκαραβαίος ο οποίος σχεδιάστηκε από τον Ferdinand Porsche.

H γκάμα των τετρακύλινδρων boxer κινητήρων ήταν μεγάλη ανά τα χρόνια παραγωγής και ξεκινούσε, σε στάνταρντ πάντα μορφή, από τα 1100cc και 40 ίππους ενώ έφτανε τα 2000cc και τους 130 ίππους.

Στους αγώνες υπήρχαν σημαντικές επιτυχίες στις 24 ώρες του Le Mans, στα 1000 χλμ. του Buenos Aires, στο Mille Miglia, στο Targa Florio, στο Carrera Panamerica, όπως και σε πολλές άλλες αγωνιστικές εκδηλώσεις.  

Η Porsche 356B κέρδισε τη τέταρτη θέση γενικής κατάταξης στο 10ο (Ι) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις το 1962 με πλήρωμα τους Γερμανούς H. Walter (οδηγό) και J. Schottler (συνοδηγό).


The 356 was the first ever production car made by Porsche. It was built between 1948 and 1965 in three different basic types A, B and C. It was based, mainly mechanically to its cousin, the VW Beetle which was designed by Ferdinand Porsche.

Its four-cylinder boxer engines ranged through its production years from 1100cc with 40bhp to 2000cc with 130bhp, always in standard form.

In racing there were important successes at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the 1000km of Buenos Aires, the Mille Miglia, the Targa Florio, the Carrera Pamamerica as well as many other racing events.

In 1962, the Porsche 356B won fourth place overall at the 10th Acropolis Rally. Its crew was Germany’s H. Walter (driver) and J. Schottler (co-driver).



  • BMW 700 COUPE 1962


H BMW 700 ήταν ένα μικρό αυτοκίνητο με κινητήρα στο πίσω του μέρος το οποίο κατασκευάστηκε από τη BMW σε διάφορες εκδόσεις από το 1959 έως το 1965. Επίσης, ήταν το πρώτο αυτοκίνητο ΒMW με αυτοφερόμενο πλαίσιο.

Ο δικύλινδρος boxer κινητήρας των 697cc προερχόταν από μοτοσυκλέτα και απέδιδε 40 ίππους στη στάνταρντ έκδοσή του. Το βάρος του αυτοκινήτου ήταν ιδιαίτερα χαμηλό, στα 640 κιλά.

Το 1962, η BMW 700 κατέκτησε την 27η θέση της γενικής κατάταξης στο 10ο (Ι) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις με ελληνικό πλήρωμα. Στο τιμόνι ήταν ο Ελληνας πρωταθλητής  Σ. Ζαλμάς ενώ συνοδηγός του ήταν ο Τ. Κοσμετάτος και η διάκριση ήταν σημαντική με γνώμονα τις δυνατότητες του αυτοκινήτου.


The BMW 700 was a small rear-engined car produced by BMW in various versions from 1959 to 1965. It was also the first BMW automobile with a monocoque structure.

The two-cylinder boxer engine of 697cc developed 40 bhp in its standard version. Curb weight was particularly low, at 640 kg.

In 1962, the Bmw 700 won the 27th place overall at the 10th Acropolis Rally with a Greek crew: multi champion S. Zalmas was at the wheel while his co-driver was T. Kosmetatos.




  • FIAT ABARTH 695 SS 1965 ASSETTO CORSA Racing history (STAYER PUCH TR 650)


To Fiat Abarth 695SS παρουσιάστηκε το 1968 και βασίζεται στο Fiat 500 που παρήχθη από το 1957 έως το 1977.

Ο κινητήρας των 695cc απέδιδε 38 ίππους στη στάνταρντ έκδοση ενώ με κατάλληλες μετατροπές ο αριθμός αυτός ανέβαινε στους 50 και πλέον ίππους.

Το 1965, το Stayer Puch TR 650 II, η αυστριακή έκδοση του Fiat 695 SS, κατέκτησε την 7η θέση της γενικής κατάταξης στο 13ο (ΙΓ) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις. Στο τιμόνι ήταν ο S. Zasada ενώ συνοδηγός του ήταν ο K. Ocinski και η επίδοση θεωρήθηκε εξαιρετική.


The Fiat Abarth 695 SS was introduced in 1968 and it is based on the Fiat 500 that was built from 1957 to 1977.

The engine of 695cc developed 38 bhp in normal guise but this number could be raised to over 50 bhp with suitable tuning.

In 1965, the Stayer Puch TR 650, the Austrian version of the Fiat 695 SS, won 7th place overall at the 13th Acropolis Rally. S. Zasada was at the wheel while his co-driver was K. Ocinskiwhile their performance has been considered exceptional.



  • Mini Cooper Racer


Το Mini ήταν ένα μικρό οικονομικό αυτοκίνητο της British Motor Corporation το οποίο κατασκευάστηκε από το 1959 έως το 2000 με συνολική παραγωγή 5.387.862 μονάδων από όλες τις παραλλαγές. Αυτό το δίπορτο αυτοκίνητο με την χαρακτηριστική εμφάνιση, σχεδιάστηκε από τον Ελληνικής καταγωγής Sir Alec Issigonis που καθόρισε από την αρχή τις βασικές απαιτήσεις σχεδιασμού για ένα “σωστό μικρό αυτοκίνητο” με διαστάσεις 3000x1200x1200 mm και κινητήρα που για λόγους κόστους θα έπρεπε να ήταν ήδη σε παραγωγή.

Οι τετρακύλινδροι κινητήρες του Mini κυμαίνονταν από 850cc 34 ίππων έως και 1275cc 63 ίππων, πάντα στη στάνταρντ τους έκδοση.

Το 1967, το Mini Cooper S, κατέκτησε την 1η θέση της γενικής κατάταξης στο 15ο (ΙE) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις. Στο τιμόνι ήταν ο P. Hopkirk ενώ συνοδηγός του ήταν ο R. Grellin.



Mini was a small economy car made by the British Motor Corporation from 1959 until 2000 with a total of 5,387,862 units of all variants built. This distinctive two-door car was designed for by Sir Alec Issigonis, of Hellenic origin,  who laid down some basic design requirements for a “proper miniature car”, external dimensions of 3000x1200x1200 mm and an engine which, for reasons of cost, should have been an existing unit.

The four-cylinder engines of the Mini were ranging from 850cc and 34 bhp to 1275cc and 63 bhp, always in their standard versions.

In 1967, the Mini Cooper S, won 1th place overall at the 15th Acropolis Rally. P. Hopkirk was at the wheel while his co-driver was R. Grellin.


.  NSU 1200 TT 1969



H NSU ήταν μια εταιρία κατασκευής αυτοκινήτων η οποία ενδιαφερόταν πρωταρχικά για την ποιότητα και εξέλιξη. Ιδρύθηκε το 1873 και η εμμονή της στην τήρηση των δυο άνω αρχών την οδήγησε σε χρεωκοπία και απορροφήθηκε από την Audi το 1969.

To NSU TT διαθέτει κινητήρα 1172cc και 64 ίππων στη στάνταρντ του έκδοση. Η τελική του ταχύτητα ήταν 154 χλμ την ώρα και ήταν εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένο σε αγώνες, ειδικά στην Ελλάδα.

Το 1969, το NSU TT με το νούμερο 39 κατέκτησε την 4η θέση της γενικής κατάταξης στο 17ο (ΙZ) Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις. Οδηγός: ο πρωταθλητής «Υψηλάντης», κατά κόσμον Αλέξανδρος Μανιατόπουλος συνοδηγός: N. Ζουμπρούλης.


NSU was an automobile company that was interested at the quality and evolution of cars. It was founded in 1873 and the strong focus to principles above has driven the company to bankruptcy, and absorption by Audi in 1969.

In its standard version, the TT had a 1172cc engine that developed 64 bhp. Top speed was 154 km / h and was extremely successful in motor racings, especially in Greece.

In 1969, the NSU TT with number 39 won 4th place overall at the 17th (IZ) Acropolis Rally. Driver: «Ypsilantis» namely Alexander Maniatopoulos, co-driver: N. Zoumproulis.



Το Alpine 110 δημιουργήθηκε από τη συνεργασία της Alpine του Jean Redele με τη Renault και κατασκευάστηκε από το 1961 έως το 1977. Τα μηχανικά μέρη και το πλαίσιο προέρχονταν από τη Renault ενώ το αμάξωμα ήταν από fiberglass.

Οι κινητήρες του κυμαίνονταν από 1100cc 95 ίππων έως και 1600cc 125 ίππων στην στάνταρντ τους έκδοση. Το τελευταίο είχε τελική ταχύτητα 210 χλμ / ώρα.

Μετά από σειρά πρώτων νικών σε διαδοχικά «ΑΚΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ» στα χέρια ξένων επαγγελματιών οδηγών, το 1975 αλλά και την αμέσως επόμενη χρονιά, το Alpine 110 κατέκτησε την 2η θέση της γενικής κατάταξης στο 22ο & 23ο Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις στα χέρια ενός άξιου Ελληνικού πληρώματος. Οδηγός: Σιρόκο, συνοδηγός: Ανδριόπουλος.

Alpine 110 was created through the collaboration of Jean Redele’s Alpine with Renault and was built from 1961 to 1977. The mechanical parts and the chassis came from Renault while the body was made out of fiberglass.

After a series of early victories in successive "AKROPOLIS" in foreign professional drivers hands in 1975 and the next year, the Alpine 110 won 2nd place overall at the 22nd & 23rd Acropolis Rally in the hands of a worthy Greek crew. Guide: Scirocco, passenger: Andriopoulos.

These 12 classic racecars belongs in car collection of mr. Theodoros Charagionis founder of Hellenic Motor Museum.

A.O.Th. cars

1976 Porsche 911 RSR (Replica)



These models are sometimes considered by enthusiasts to be the most "classic" 911s. RS stands for Rennsport in German, meaning race sport. The Carrera name was reintroduced from the 356 Carrera which had itself been named after Porsche's class victories in theCarrera Panamericana races in Mexico in the 1950s. The RS was built to meet motorsport homologation requirements. Compared to a standard 911S, the Carrera 2.7 RS had a larger engine (2687 cc) developing 210 PS (150 kW; 210 hp) with Bosch (Kugelfischer)mechanical fuel injection, revised and stiffened suspension, a "ducktail" rear spoiler, larger brakes, wider rear wheels and rear fenders. In RS Touring form it weighed 1075 kg (2370 lb), in Sport Lightweight form it was about 100 kg (220 lb) lighter, the saving coming from thin gauge steel used for parts of the body shell and also the use of thinner glass. In total, 1,580 were made, and qualified for the FIA Group 4class. 49 Carrera RS cars were built with 2808 cc engines producing 300 PS (221 kW).

For the 1974 IROC Championship (which started in Dec. 1973), 1973 Carrera RSR models were fitted with the 3.0 engine and a flat "whale tail" in place of the ducktail spoiler.


In 1974, Porsche created the Carrera RS 3.0 with mechanical fuel injection producing 230 PS (169 kW). Its price was almost twice that of the 2.7 RS, but it offered racing capability. The chassis was largely similar to that of the 1973 Carrera RSR and the brake system was from the Porsche 917. The use of thinner metal plate panels and a Spartan interior enabled its weight to be reduced to around 900 kg (1984 lb).


The Carrera RSR 3.0 was sold to racing teams and scored wins in several major sports car races of the mid-1970s. Also, a prototype Carrera RSR Turbo (with 2.1 L engine due to a 1.4x equivalency formula) came second at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1974 and won several major races, a significant event in that its engine would form the basis of many future Porsche attempts in sports car racing. This, and the earlier Porsche 917, was Porsche's commitment to turbocharger applications in its cars.


1985 Lancia Delta HF 4WD Turbo ex works Kankkunen



In October 1985 Lancia unveiled alongside the road-going Delta S4 a new version of the HF, renamed Delta HF turbo in view of the four-wheel-drive HF début awaited after the next summer. To address some criticisms the car was given less subdued styling features and more generous equipment to differentiate it from the other Deltas; namely red "HF turbo" script on the grille, the side skirts and the rear hatch, a three-spoke sport steering wheel, dual wing mirrors, a two-colour pinstripe along the mid-bodyside character line and Pirelli P6 tyres on 14-inch Cromodora alloy wheels with a new 8-hole design. Price, technical specifications and performance remained mostly unchanged. When the more powerful, four-wheel-drive HF models were introduced in the later years the HF turbo remained on sale alongside them.


A special Delta HF Integrale version was a four-wheel drive hot hatch with a turbocharged petrol engine. Modified versions of the HF dominated the World Rally Championship, scoring 46 WRC victories overall and winning the Constructors Championshipa record six times in a row from 1987 to 1992, in addition to Drivers' Championship titles for Juha Kankkunen (1987 and 1991) and Miki Biasion (1988 and 1989).


1983 Opel Manta 400



In 1979 work began on a rally-spec Opel. Both the Ascona B and the Manta B were used for this. Although the Ascona 400 model was the most successful of the two, the fact still remains that the Manta 400 was a remarkable car.

Opel joined forces with German tuner Irmscher and Cosworth in Britain, to make the 400. Cosworth was given the task to develop a 16 valve 2 cam head for the CIH spec engine block, and Irmscher who earlier in 1977 and 78 had proven that they knew their way around an Opel building the i2800, was to design the exterior and interior of the cars. The results were not bad. Opel however had problems with the engine. The first idea of using a 2.0 litre engine and then using the 16 valve head from Cosworth simply did not give enough power. The problem was that the heads had already been built, so the heads were made to fit on the CIH type 4 cylinder engine block. So they built an unusual engine using a 2.0 litre engine block with an overbore and larger pistons, a crankshaft from the 2.3 litre diesel engine of same type (CIH) and ended with a 2.4 litre engine block. Mounting the 16 valve head on this gave a massive output, and the opportunity to make several tune-ups for the rally drivers.
Guy Fréquelin's Manta 400 rally car driven at the Race Retro 2008.

Opel delivered the first 23 specimens in 1981 which were recognizable by the 2 slot front grille (1982, 83, and 84 models had 4 slot grilles). The cars were delivered as both street cars and factory tuned rally cars. The streetcars known as Phase 1 cars, were luxury versions of the known Manta B Coupé. Although all the changes to give the body more strength were still implemented, the cars were delivered with all kinds of exclusive packaging. Recaro seats with big Opel badges on the cloth, Irmscher leather steering wheel, and even front light washers were mounted. The cars were all delivered in Arctic White colour, with White Ronal lightweight 7x15" alloys. The engine was fitted with a Bosch LE injection system and power output was 144 bhp (107 kW). The Phase 2 however was quite different. It had large extended arches front and rear made of exotic materials like carbon and kevlar to keep the weight down, lightweight doors, bonnet, spoilers and windows. The wheels were still from Ronal but now measuring 8x15" front and 10x15" rear. The engine output was 230 bhp (172 kW) using a set of 48 mm (1.9 in) DCOE style carburettors, and the cars could be delivered with different gearboxes from ZF and with different rear axle options like LSD. Phase 3 which is also a term used when talking about the i400's was not a factory tune-up. Many racers of the time had their garages tune up the engine even further. Some made it across the 300 bhp (220 kW) mark and even today, engines can be tuned to deliver just over 340 bhp (254 kW) still normally aspirated.
Russell Brookes' Manta 400.

The i400 was produced in a total of 245 specimens following the homologation regulations by FISA (today FIA). But the i400 also spawned some other "i" models. The i200 which basically was a GSi model Manta B was made in 700 specimens and is still today considered a collector's item. The i200 used a tuned 2.0E engine delivering 125 bhp (93 kW). The i240 which is rarer was only produced in 300 specimens and was fitted with the i400 engine block but using a normal 8 valve cast iron head from the 2.0E engine delivering 136 bhp (101 kW).

1965 Morris Mini cooper S



By 1963 the BMC Competition department knew what they wanted to do with the Mini. Their efforts culminated in the 1963 Austin Cooper S and Morris Cooper S. Besides a host of upgrades, the primary difference was a specially cast engine block and cylinder head that was more suitable for racing.

The first Cooper S models used a 1071 cc engine with a special nitrided steel crankshaft. In 1964 a range of displacements was offered including 971 cc and a 1275 cc.

For extended trips and rally racing, a second fuel tank was fitted. Other factory upgrades included larger front disc brakes, a vacuum-assisted brake booster and offset steel wheels which were widened to 4½ inches by 1964.

Despite only having around 75 bhp on tap, the Minis were very successful in Group 2 Rally racing, winning the Monte Carlo Rally outright.


A special event featuring finally,this mini used by Stavros Georgiadis and co-driver Thanasis Papageorgiou at 1966.

"This car then was almost new and lent to Stavros Georgiadis our mayor  Yiannis Boutaris. This won the first rally T.I.F. 1966 "






1957 DKW-Auto Union 3=6



In the autumn of 1955, Auto Union GmbH presented its successful model, the 3=6 Sonderklasse, with a 10 cm wider body at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt. The equation 3=6 was coined for maximum advertising effect, a reference to the 3-cylinder 2-stroke engine with performance characteristics comparable to a 6-cylinder 4-stroke engine. In September 1957, the final version of the 3=6 was launched. Most prominent distinguishing feature were the doors, which were hinged at the front for reasons of occupant protection.


With this car the legendary George Raptopoulos won the Greek ralie championship at 1961





1979 Opel Kadett GT/E 2.6L



The Opel Kadett GT/E was launched in August 1975. It was based on the 1.2S Coupe, but was powered by a 1.9-litre cam-in-head engine, as used in the Rekord. Transmission was four-speed as standard, but a five-speed was offered as an option - but most importantly, the GT/E was blessed with 105bhp helped in no small part by the use of Bosch K-Jetronic fuel-injection - as shared with the Volkswagen Golf GTI.

In 1978, that power unit was expanded to 1979cc - as with the Opel Manta GT/E - and was uprated to 115bhp. Under the stylish skin and bold colours, it was almost standard Kadett, although late models received vertically mounted telescopic gas filled Bilstein shock-absorbers. Roadholding was predictably excellent, given the standard car's overall competence, and performance was truly excellent, with a 0-60mph time of 9.0 seconds and a maximum speed of 110mph. Desirable when new, and still highly sought-after today, more so in its home country than in the UK, though.







1975 Skoda 130 RS (Replica)



The Skoda 180 RS and 200 RS ran in an official motorsport competition for the first time in June 1974, then known as the Skoda Rally. The two models represented the brand’s entry into top-class rallying. The 200 RS was powered by a 163PS 2.0-liter engine with an overhead camshaft that could propel the car to a top speed of 210 km/h (130 mph). The engine was linked to a Porsche transmission.

In 1975, Skoda built another RS model, the 130 RS that was to become one of the most successful racing cars of its time. Also known as the “Porsche of the East”, the Skoda 130 RS won the 1977 Monte Carlo Rally in the up to 1,300 cc cylinder capacity category and the 1981 European Touring Car Championship.

The rear-engined, rear-wheel drive car featured a 140PS 1.3-liter four-cylinder engine with Weber carburettors for fuel/air mixing, an eight-port cylinder head and dry-sump lubrication. The car was capable of reaching 220 km/h (137 mph). In 1981 the 130 RS was axed and the RS era at Skoda was interrupted for almost 20 years.

1926 Citroen B14


The Type B14 was launched at the Paris Salon in October 1926.

The B14 represented an entirely new model unrelated to its predecessors and fitted with a very lightweight chassis which was subsequently reinforced to make it more rigid.


The B14 remained in production until 1928.

Body styles included Torpédo 4 Places, Conduite Interieure, Coupé, Coupé de Ville, Landaulet, Normande, Taxi, and Cabriolet.


1926 Dodge Brothers series 126


The 1926 Dodge Brothers Sedan has center-opening suicide doors, is most original, and the subject of an older cosmetic restoration. It has many rare options including floor heater, disc wheels with rear mounted spare, motometer, window visor, cowl lights, front bumpers, and step plates. 

The engine is a 212.3 cubic-inch four-cylinder L-head unit with a cast-iron block and solid valve lifters. It is capable of producing 35 horsepower which is sent to the rear wheels with the help of a selective sliding transmission. It has a rust-free body which rests on a 116-inch wheelbase frame. 

1954 Ford Koln V8


This German body style Ford Köln FK 3000 BB truck was produced from 1951 until 1955, when the Ford G28T four cylinder engine was discontinued in Ford vehicle production. The FK 3000 BB had a 3 metric ton rating.


The G28T engine was first introduced in 1942, and was based on the German (and US) Model B engine. The primary internal improvement of the G28T was the introduction of pressure oiling and factory shell insert main bearings, replacing the poured babbitt of the Model B engine.


The G28T engine production continued until 1958 for industrial and agricultural uses such as in the Claas Mähdrescher combines

1984 Opel Kadett GT/E 2000



The Opel Kadett GT/E was launched in August 1975. It was based on the 1.2S Coupe, but was powered by a 1.9-litre cam-in-head engine, as used in the Rekord.

Transmission was four-speed as standard, but a five-speed was offered as an option - but most importantly, the GT/E was blessed with 105bhp helped in no small part by the use of Bosch K-Jetronic fuel-injection - as shared with the Volkswagen Golf GTI.

In 1978, that power unit was expanded to 1979cc - as with the Opel Manta GT/E - and was uprated to 115bhp. Under the stylish skin and bold colours, it was almost standard Kadett, although late models received vertically mounted telescopic gas filled Bilstein shock-absorbers.

Roadholding was predictably excellent, given the standard car's overall competence, and performance was truly excellent, with a 0-60mph time of 9.0 seconds and a maximum speed of 110mph. Desirable when new, and still highly sought-after today, more so in its home country than in the UK, though.







1985 Renault 11 Turbo


The 11 Turbo used Renault’s venerable Cleon engine in 1397cc guise. Mated to a Garrett turbocharger and fed by carburettor, the phase one version pumped out 105bhp and 119lb/ft. It doesn’t sound much, but the 11 Turbo was light: a mere 915kg. 

The engine spun smoothly, and full boost was announced with a satisfying kick at about 2,750rpm: mid-range performance was excellent by the standards of the day. Turbo lag existed, of course, but was dismissed by the simple expedient of dropping down a gear.

The phase two version of the 11 Turbo offered even better performance. Its a revised engine spun sweetly up to 7,000rpm (albeit the rev counter was red-lined at 6,000 rpm), was less laggy, had full boost on tap from 2,500rpm and pumped out a more impressive looking 115bhp.



1982 Toyota Celica RA40



The RA40 model of the Celica was a very different design to previous versions. Technically related to RA20 and TA22 versions, in its design the RA40 was an entirely new car. So far Celicas had the typical Japanese style curvy shell with huge C-pillars and tiny side windows and this was now turned round into a clearer, straighter design with big side windows and small, straight C-pillar. The curvy chrome bumpers have been replaced by straight, black ones. The front is now aerodynamically styled with huge, round twin headlights. In late 1980 there is a face lift that has the round headlights replaced by twin square ones and the bonnet now is a straight line over the headlights and the grill, but the model code RA40 is kept over that facelift. The RA40 is a considerably bigger car than the RA20 and TA22 was, growing nearly 400mm(!) in length.

It wasn't going to be considerably more successful than the RA20/TA22. The car being clearly bigger was very much a step into the wrong direction for Corolla fan Ove Andersson and like the earlier versions the Celica was still not to turn into a winner at WRC level.

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